torsdag 22. november 2007


Power to the sky. (..på vei til Redningshytten)

7 kommentarer:

dot sa...

A beautiful shot! I don't think I've seen anyone do this yet.

Kerri Farley sa...

Great Skywatch post!!!

Rune Eide sa...

Man's gift to architecture? You really look up when you are out walking,

mrsnesbitt sa...

Great skywatch!
I can not understand some of your blog but get the idea you are a biker?
Am I correct?

Petunia sa...

Spenning i luften her!
Jeg har lagt ut himmelbilde i fotobloggen min og litt letter underholdning i petuniabloggen.
God helg!

FO - 2 sa...

Her var det kraft ja....! ;)

imac sa...

Power to the sky watch.